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Joint Circular No. 75//TTLT-BTC-BXD-BNNPTNT guiding the principles and methods of determination of, and competence to decide on, clean water selling prices. 17 Nguyen Gia Thieu street, Ward Vo Thi Sau, District 3, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. Phone: (+84) Joint Circular No. //TTLT-BTC-BXD-BTTTT guiding the mechanism and principle of controlling and method of determining rent rates of common technical.
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These include: basic wages, the provisions of the provisions of the state;. This Joint Circular guides the mechanism and principle of controlling and methods of determining rent rates of common technical infrastructure facilities in urban centers and public technical infrastructure facilities below referred to as common technical infrastructure facilities ; and provides the exemption from or reduction of rents of facilities used for national defense or security activities. The Provincial People's Committee performs guidelines on regulatory authority, the authority to rule water prices and a specific water price for self-flowing water-level works, water prices in small-scale water-level works run by the community, water prices in rural areas. Rights and responsibilities of the agencies, units in the establishment, presentation, appraisal of price 1. So you only see the Attributes of the document.